
Rainbow Furniture Store Fort Wayne

(260) 432-3549

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3206 Covington Road

Fort Wayne, IN 46802


M,Th,F 10-7; Tu,W 10-6; Sa 10-5

Closed Sunday

Having deep conversations add meaning to our relationships and bring us closer together. This is important during the holiday season when you are seeing friends and family from near and far. 

But you might not know the right conversation starters to use to get things going. It can be difficult to think of things on the spot, or when you haven’t seen someone for a while. Preparing some good conversations is a great idea to relieve the pressure and build a close bond. 

This article gives you 5 amazing topics for conversation starters to try. They are sure to get the conversation flowing 

1. Recall Happy Memories

One of the best ways to spark conversations at dining room tables is to talk about memories. Everybody has unique stories to share, and it can help you get to know each other lot better.

So ask questions like “what was the best vacation you have been on and why?” Or ask “what is your happiest Christmas memory?” 

2. Talk About Hopes and Dreams

When talking with friends, it can be fun to talk about your hopes and dreams. This topic can lead to deep conversations which will allow you to get to know each other better. Everyone has aspirations, so it is interesting to hear what people want from life.

Ask about different areas, such as career, family life, and personal development. You could also ask “what are your bucket list items?” They may have cool things that they want to achieve, such as traveling to a special place or buying a home. 

3. The Million Dollar Question

“What would you do with a million dollars?” is one of the best questions you can ask.

It is so fascinating to find out how different people would use that money. Plus, it will reveal a lot about their personalities! 

4. Dive into Favorites

Getting to know someone means knowing what all their favorite things are! There are so many questions you can ask in this area, such as food, fashion, and media. 

You could even make a game out of it!

Everyone takes turns writing their favorites in different categories. Then everyone else has to guess what it is. Whoever gets the most right answers gets an extra big dessert!

5. Have a Laugh

Know some great dad jokes or some detailed skits with a punchline? Telling each other jokes is a great way to lighten the mood and have a few laughs. Laughter is proven to make us feel happier and improve our mental health.

You could also ask “what is the funniest thing you have seen or heard recently?” This could start good conversations about funny anecdotes from people’s lives. 

Great Conversation Starters

All you need to have a great evening is some interesting conversation starters. Once the conversation starts flowing, connection and laughter will get shared by everyone. Try some of the topics in this article to get some deep conversations going. 

If you are looking for furniture in Fort Wayne, choose Rainbow Furniture. We have a wide selection of items suited to every home and lifestyle. Plus, all our furniture is American-made so the quality is outstanding. 

Get in touch with us, to visit our showroom to find out how we can help with all your furniture needs.