In the news today is a story about Walmart’s announcement that it wants to build more of its products in the USA, and help increase our gross domestic product and decrease unemployment.
Experts see this effort as little more than a drop in the bucket. Could it be simply that customers are getting tired of the third rate import merchandise Walmart has been selling over the past several years?
And, isn’t Walmart coming to this party a little late? A lot of the U.S. manufacturing system has been demolished over the past decade, as entire factories have been shipped overseas.
It isn’t easy to find quality U.S. Manufacturers, just ask Tim Osborne at Rainbow Furniture in Fort Wayne, IN. As Tim watched other local furniture stores switch over to low cost imported furniture, he also saw customers get lured away by their low costs. But Tim never wavered. Instead he kept on selling only quality furniture manufactured in the United States. You probably don’t have that cheap import sofa you bought ten years ago anymore, but if you bough a Norwalk or Temple sofa from Rainbow Furniture in 2003, it would still look great, and sit comfortably in your living room today.
Today, all the furniture you find inside Rainbow Furniture’s six showrooms on Covington Road is made in America. You will find some accessories here and there that are imported simply because there are no American companies making those products anymore. And, of course, the Rattan wood used to make Braxton-Culler Rattan upholstered furniture won’t grow in the US, but the furniture is assembled here.
We would love to walk into Walmart one day and find all American made goods. Until then, if you want to visit a store where almost everything is made in the USA, then come by Rainbow Furniture, at the corner of Covington and Freeman in Fort Wayne, IN.