
Rainbow Furniture Store Fort Wayne

(260) 432-3549

Contact us today

3206 Covington Road

Fort Wayne, IN 46802


M,Th,F 10-7; Tu,W 10-6; Sa 10-5

Closed Sunday

solid wood furniture

You’re probably tired of buying and re-buying furniture for your house. But you’re finding it hard to take the plunge on good quality over cheap and flimsy furniture.

We’ve already told you about the 5 reasons that you should buy American-made furniture. But what quality and materials should you look for when you invest in buying new furniture for your house?

Come along as we go through the reasons why solid wood furniture is your best investment for your home.

Each Piece Will Be Unique

This is kind of the point, right? Don’t you want your furniture to stand out in a special way? Each piece of your solid wood furniture will be a unique slice of a tree with its own natural design. The knots and rings in the wood will add personality that won’t be found with other cheap, man-made materials.

With many of our solid wood furniture companies, you get to customize your furniture by choosing styles, sizes, hardware, wood types, and finishes to create a truly unique piece of high-quality furniture.


And speaking of the quality of solid wood furniture …

They Can Last a Lifetime

We have all been burned by lousy furniture deteriorating over time. Don’t act like you haven’t. Don’t you owe it to yourself to invest in a piece of furniture that will be as solid ten years from now then as the day you bought it?

At the end of the day, you don’t really ever hear anyone talking about “vintage IKEA furniture”.

Furniture made out of solid wood will be with you for the long haul if you treat it with care. With the right finish and the right kind of wood, you can expect the quality to stay the same for years.

But how do you make sure the quality stays strong over time?

Easy Upkeep and Maintenance

With solid wood furniture basically being a “what you see is what you get” style of furniture, any surface damage can easily be fixed right away.

By buffering spots and blemishes on your piece of furniture, you can easily restore it to its original aesthetic. Since the finish usually lets the intersections of the wood shine, the sky is the limit when it comes to repairing any damages.

You can pick the finishing of your choosing.

And if you are into that sort of DIY restoration, sanding and refinishing wood furniture is a pretty simple process. And once you get it right, the whole process can be extremely gratifying.

That is Why Solid Wood Furniture Is Your Best Investment

There you have it!

Let’s face it, you knew before reading this article that wood furniture was the only way-to-go. You just needed some convincing!

Now do yourself a favor and find the perfect piece for your home!

If you have any questions on finding the right furniture to outfit your abode, visit our furniture showroom, we’d love to help!